dinsdag 19 mei 2015

UPSTREAM, SCOREN Cantus and Summerbreak

Hello Everyone,

We want to inform you about three events that are coming up this summer.

As said, this event will take place on the 11th of june. The location will be the Muziekgieterij.

A week later, on the 17th of june, the SCOREN Cantus will take place. This is an event solely for the sports associations of Maastricht. A cantus is a big, merry event which involves a lot of singing and drinking. The event will take place at dn Hiemel. It costs €16,- to participate. Let us know before the 15th if you want to join.


Lastly, we want to tell you about SummerBreak. It's an initiative to have a big party at the end of the academic year. This will be comparable to the MECC parties during the INKOM. AS soon as we have more info, we'll let you know.

Kind regards,
The board

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